Monday, August 25, 2008

Romantic Gestures

Because they don't happen everyday, I get all giddy when they do:)

My husband is a romantic at heart. The man has no choice seeing as how he grew up with 4 older sisters. Needless to say he knows how to treat a lady...lucky me:)

The other day I was hustling around trying to get all the girls' things together as well as my own before we left. As I'm rushing to get to the door, I stop where I always hang my keys and instead of seeing my keys, I see a CD. On the CD were the words "I Love You". I stopped in my tracks and smiled.

So, now I'm even in more of a hurry to get to the car because I want to see what's on this CD my hubby made me.

I strap both girls in, load the car with bags and pop the CD in. Off we go.

There's only one song on this new CD - I Need You by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.

WOW! My hubby sure does know how to impress me:)

Has a special person in your life ever done something romantic that took you by surprise? I'd love to hear about it!


Renee' said...

I work for a CPA and during busy season I work late on Wednesday nights, I don't know how many times I have come home and Joe has a fire going and candles lit and dinner ready for me. It isn't every week, just often enoug that I feel special :)

Waving hi Jules :) it was great to meet you at RAW


Jules Bennett said...

HEY, Renee'! That Joe is a keeper, I tell ya:)

That's so sweet how he takes care of you and let's you know you're appreciated. I think that's the downfall of so many relationships.

Great to see you here:)
