Thursday, August 14, 2008

If You Hate It...Change It

I overheard a conversation between two people the other day...okay, so I was eavesdropping, that's beside the point.

Anyway, there was a lady complaining to a man. She said, "I hate being fat." (BTW, she was NOT fat by any means.)

The man said, "No you don't."

Her head snapped back. "What? I do to."

He replied, "If you hated it, you would do something about it."

Very good point. I really believe that could apply to anything in life. Personally, I hate having a messy house all the time, so I've decided to spend more time if I could just find that spare hour or two a day.

I also hate working my day job, so I'm taking steps to fix that:) Soon, I should be able to stay home and be a full-time author and mother.

So, is there something you hate? How do you plan to fix it? I'm offering up a prize from my goodie stash to one person who leaves me a comment!


Stacy~ said...

Good point. If we hate something, then we should try to do something about it. Usually there is a solution. Right now I hate the way my hair looks, so I am going to find a style I like that hopefully suits me, and get it cut that way. Usually I don't take much time with hair, but this time I want to find something I'm going to like for awhile. It's worth the effort if I can feel good about myself.

But of course there are those of us who just love to complain.

Karren said...

Hmm what do I hate. I hate feeling like at the end of the day I still have a million things left to do. So, to fix this I have begun making a list and setting out a goal for each day. As I accomplish the different tasks for the day I mark it off my list. By doing so I don't feel so overwhelmed by all of the things that have to be taken care of, and this prevents me from procrastinating. Now if I could just get myself to go to the gym!!:)

Daphne said...

Jules - what a great subject! I've been living this for awhile ... I'm on Day 41 of an all liquid-protein diet in my efforts to lose this danged weight. It's working: I've lost 20 pounds in 41days, but it's been hard. But, I'm working to change this thing in my life that I just can't stand any longer. Good subject! :-) Daphne

Tee said...

mmm...what do I dislike so much besides using the word "hate". Taking medication due to weight, so my goal is to get the pounds off, which I am happy to say I have lost about fifteen pounds. Counting carbs have helped and I am happy to say I have a woderful support group with hubby, child and friend. :)

Tracy said...

Hi Jules - great topic! I don't like being disorganized at home...but I am. I've begun taking baby steps to improve this problem. I'm organized at work...why can't I be at home. I know that this won't be a quick fix, but hopefully it will get resolved to my satisfaction! :)

tara said...

Very interesting!!! And I sooooo agree!!
I'm glad you were eavesdropping***this is something most of us need to hear, over and over!! LOL
I have a list of things I hate and have started changing them!!
Just one of them is living in my families shadow. LOL As a mom we loose ourselves as individuals **so I have taken steps to find myself again. I try to write 3 times a week and will be taking classes at my community college to earn a certificate as a Library/Media assistant. A happy mom and wife make a great mom and wife!!! LOL
I am so blessed to have a husband and kids who are standing behind me, encouraging me to find what makes me***ME!!!


Jules Bennett said...

Stacy, being a beautician, I hear this comment EVERYDAY! Good luck with your new style.

Karren, AMEN! I always feel like I've wasted my day, but surely I did something...right?

Tee, I don't like the word, either. I almost put that in the blog, but I didn't. My Jr. High English teach always scolded us in class if we used it.

Daphne, WOW! Way to go on the weigh loss. It's so easy to put on and so hard to come off, so good for you:)

Tracy, I'm with you. Organized at work, not at home. Could it be the kids and hubby? Hmmm...

Tara, I'm so glad you decided to write. I know you've been wanting to for a while. Good for you for following your dreams:)


Jodi said...

That's the same line my dh is always telling me!
I dislike a lot of things and I'm trying hard to change them.
The weight is a growler to get off and it's get pretty fruturating. I think I need a trainer to follow me around 24/7!
My kitchen counter "catch-all" is slowly becoming a real counter again! Old habits are hard to break though!

Jules Bennett said...

Jodi, I hear you with the catch all counter. I have the kitchen island that I constantly have to clean before I can sit to eat there:)


Jules Bennett said...

Okay...the winner is...


Stacy, contact me at