Thursday, April 3, 2008

Toddlers and Newborns

I now have a total appreciation for my mother - any mother, really. I had to put my daughter in time-out the other day.

Now, before I go any further, yes, I put her in time-out occassionally. I always laughed at parents who used this method, but, hey, you do what works and this seems to work well for my two year old.

When her father came home from work and asked what she did to get put into time-out, she rolled her eyes and informed him, "It was ridiculous." Believe it or not, she pronounced the word correctly.

This is the stage in her life where she does the embarrassing things in public and you hate to laugh, but can't help it. If she hears any noise at all that resembles passing gas, she'll call you (or a perfect stranger) on it. Yes, it's quite fun at restaurants when you slide across the vinyl seats and she says, "Mommy, you toot toot." Of course, people turn and stare and you're forced to eat just feet away.

My kids are providing so much enjoyment. I can't wait to see what else is in store for me:)

So, if you have kids (or if you just know some rotten ones) let me hear some stories!


Lisa F. said...

I'm glad to know its not just a boy thing.

I remember when my oldest was about 3 or 4, we were in WalMart and he was asking about body parts. Why did he have a penis and not me? What did I have? You get the drift, and remember that toddlers don't know how to talk softly. Moms just have to grin and keep going

Unknown said...

That’s ok when my Grandma passes gas she blames it on who ever is closest and this includes complete strangers. I about died when she turned to a lady next to her and said “excuse you” and then walked away. The look on the lady’s face was priceless :o)

My son doesn’t do too much to embarrass me but sometimes it’s really hard to tell him no or to stop when he’s so darn funny. Or it’s really frustrating when you’re really mad and he just laughs at you.