Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Family Photo

How can two innocent words come together and be so terrifying? Let me tell ya, I'm shakin'.

I've scheduled family pictures for the end of November so I have one month to get this last 15 lbs of baby weight off. I've been hitting the gym like crazy since I work right next to it now. Not only do I have my weight to worry about...WHAT THE HECK DO WE WEAR?

I'm not one of those people who do cutesy outfits with everything matching. I'd like us to all match in color and the girls will be wearing jumpers with black, pink and white in them. I guess I'll go with my old standby

As for hubby, he's even less thrilled than I am. But, I know if we don't do this when the babies are, well, babies, we'll be sorry when they get older that we didn't. And, hey, I'll need something to blackmail them with when they get older:)

I look back at family photos from when I was a kid and I don't know whether to laugh at the puffy, bad permed hair or cry at the fact my mother let me leave the house looking like Young Frankenstein.

Anyway, I'd love to hear some family photo horror stories:) Why do we put ourselves through the misery? I can't figure it out...



Inactive Account said...

I don't know of any family photo without a "story" - and some that have "backstory" as well. hehehe

Hang in there!

And do post the result when you're done.

I write romance, have a day job, and two little, too. You can see my little family at

Keep the Faith,


Diane Craver said...

That's great you're getting a family photo. I wish we had taken more when our children were small.

Good luck with everything.

Inactive Account said...

Just curious...are you doing NaNoWriMo this month?

Jules Bennett said...

Delyn, the pics are coming up in a week:)

Kudos on being a busy, working mother...we're a growing breed:)

Diane, that's precisely why I'm getting the pics done. Even though I'll hate them now, I'll cherish them in the years to come.
