Sunday, February 15, 2009

Giving Back

At the beauty salon I work part-time in, we've been discussing how people are depressed from the economy, the time of year, and a number of other things depending on their lives.

So, in an attempt to brighten others' spirits (and ours in the process) we decided to have a contest within the salon. We had one week to do something nice for a complete stranger. At the end of the week, we told our stories and voted on the best one.

I went through a drive-thru and paid for the car behind me. When I asked the worker how much the car's order was, she told me and I said, "Add it to mine."

She looked a bit confused and said, "Do you know them?" I told her I didn't, but that I was hoping by me doing something nice for them, they would do something nice for someone else that day. The worker smiled and said, "I'll tell them that."

I was hoping to form a chain reaction. I know I can't enforce this on everybody, but if just a few people do this, the trickle down effect would be amazing...I hope;)

Anyway, now that the contest is over, I'm going to continue to do something really great for a total stranger at least once a week. This week I swept through my house and gathered up all my baby items and old baby clothes and gave them to a young teenage couple (just graduated last year). This couple is expecting their first child next month and they only have a crib. They are struggling to work and make a life for themselves and I want to do everything I can to help.

The boy (who doesn't know me) found out my phone number and called and left a really sweet message on my machine. He choked up in the middle of thanking me and my heart broke. I went back through my house with tears in my eyes and gathered up even more. I plan on passing them along through our mutual friend tomorrow.

The lady who delivered the baby items gave me $35 because she felt bad for me giving this stuff away. I didn't want her money, so I will take that money and go buy them some diapers and wipes.

So, I will now turn the challenge over to you. Can you find a total stranger and do something for them without expecting something in return? Let's see if we can't lift the spirits of those around us and try, one by one, to make this world a better place:)

BTW, I won the challenge at work:)



Lisa F. said...

What an inspiration! And there are so many ways to lift someone's spirits that only cost us our time. Thanks for the challenge!

Carol Ann said...

Jules, what a wonderful inspirational challenge. Thanks for what you are doing, and thanks for working to spread it further. You have inspired me to look for opportunities to do the same. God bless!

Carol Ann

Saralee said...

That's wonderful, Jules! What an inspiring, uplifting antidote to today's gloom and doom!



Tabitha said...


You have always been a total sweetheart so this is not surprising that you are kind out of the blue, contest or not. I'm totally blessed to know you and call you friend.

The husband and I (mainly him) tend to shovel our neighbors walkway and put salt down during the winter months (at least 3 of our neighbors). I put down extra salt if I see it starting to ice up.

I also have bought donuts several times for folks at work (even though I never stay since I work from home) and for our maintanence guys in our apt. complex. They work hard for just the two of them being responsible for over a hundred units so I try to surprise them every once in a while.

But maybe next time I'm in the drive through line, I'll throw down and extra 20 for a the car behind me and the rest for the Ronald McDonald house.

See you soon!

Jules Bennett said...


Thanks for chiming in! I hope you, too, can make a stranger's life a little brighter. Trust me, you'll feels so good later.


Jules Bennett said...

Carol Ann,

First of all, what a cute picture of you!

I'm glad I could inspire you. That was my goal in blogging. And the reason I didn't offer a prize. We should do nice things without wanting something in return:)

Now, go. Brighten the lives of others:)


Jules Bennett said...


I just hate this depressing time of year. We're all just waiting for Spring and the gloomy days only make grumpy people grumpier.

I really hope people can see the good in their lives instead of all the negatives.


Jules Bennett said...

Oh, Tabitha, I'm the one who's lucky to call you a friend. You're one of the best:)

My co-worker actually donated all her change (during the contest) to the Ronald McDonald house. That is SUCH a great cause.

And, that's so nice of you to care for your neighbors during the nasty weather. See what I mean? You're one of the best:)

See you soon!

Jess McAlister said...

That is an AWESOME story Jules. I will see if I can do something nice for a stranger this week.