Monday, March 24, 2008

The "D" Word

I'm never one to actually {gulp} diet, but since having baby #2 and getting ready for my best friend's wedding, I really feel now is the time:).

I know this will be a hard 20 lbs to lose, but I can do it. All I have to do is take one day at a time and visualize myself in my strapless, short, tight dress my friend so graciously picked out for me to wear. Remind me to send her a thank you card. Oh, did I mention the dress is pink? You know, pale pink. The shade of pink that will show every ripply and bumb beneath. Of course she's not concerned. She's never had a baby, never gained an ounce in places she didn't like and she'll be wearing a full gown.

Ahh, but I love her anyway. Which brings me to my question. Why do we feel the need to worry about our weight? Are we concerned about our health or about how people perceive us? Obviously I'm concerned with how I will look in this miniscule dress. What about you? Why do you diet? That is...if you do.


Lisa F. said...

Thanks for the link to your blog - I've bookmarked it.

We eat out a lot, and since I've gained about 20 pounds in the last two years, I've tried ordering lighter meals. Salads with no cheese, fat free dressings, no croutons, no bacon! Grilled chicken has been eaten a lot! I do believe everybody is different in how they gain or lose weight, so whether you're doing it for your health, or for your looks, you should find what works for you.

I hate exercise, but try to force myself to walk several times a week, if only for 20-30 minutes. Usually while my youngest is at soccer practise I'll try to walk some, but lately I've taken a book and stayed in the car and read.

Jules Bennett said...

Hey, Lisa! As an author, I appreciate the fact you're reading during your son's practice:)

Nothing wrong with a good book!


Jodi said...

I've been trying to lose weight for several years. I only gained 18 lbs. with each pregnancy, but the second time, the weight didn't go away. I need to lose weight to make myself feel better.
I have a slow thyroid and high cholesterol that are being controled by medication. I would really like to do away with the cholesterol medication, even though it is believed that mine is a hereditary issue enhanced by the hypothyroidism.
I participate in Taekwondo 2-3 nights a week, spar one night, and go to the gym twice a week. I don't think exercise is an issue for me.
Give me some help! LOL

Joan said...

I have never had to watch my weight for which I am thankful. For health reasons it is not good to be overweight. Although I don't have to watch my weight my husband is another matter. He eats anything in sight and often. His doctor is always getting on him about his weight. He has already had one heart attack and I am afraid he may have another.Good luck with your diet.

Jules Bennett said...

Jodi, have you talked to your doctor about this? It sounds medical to me. I know, that was no help:)

Joan, I've never had to watch my weight, either. After baby #1 I was watchful, but it was easy. The same way (so far) with this baby. She's only 5 weeks old and I'm back in my jeans.

As for your hubby, mine is the same way. I worry about his heart because heart disease/attacks run in his family. His sister had a heart attack when she was 38 and two of his cousins had one in their 20's. Scary stuff.

Jodi said...

I've talked to my doctor. He thinks my issues are hereditary and those are way harder to control. I'm on medication for my thyroid and cholesterol and both are now in the right levels.